More Backyard Pics

Today Kara said, "In order to practice being an outdoor girl in Alabama, I'm going to become an outdoor girl here in Maryland."  Every sentence she says contains the words "Alabama" or "in our new house."  I LOVE that she is as excited as we are about moving.  :-)

Horse lessons left her with a few scrapes (didn't even draw blood) from thornes (thanks to a trail ride), and she acted like her arm was broken.  Then at home, she climbed a tiny tree with branches all the way to the ground and got stuck 2 branches up.  Time to work on becoming an outdoor girl, for sure!!!

Here she is watching two crows fight.  I believe it was to the death - the fight went on for quite some time.  Then the winner took on a squirrel and beat up that thing pretty badly.  It was fascinating to her:

She brought me pretty leaves to take pictures of.

Now if we could only get her stung by a bee, she can really call herself an outdoor girl.  ;-)
