Pictures around the yard

It was 75 degrees and sunny yesterday, so Kara and I spent the afternoon in the yard, enjoying the weather.  I got these pretty pictures:

I love my tree in my front yard!

A blooming tree in the backyard

Kara is collecting items around the yard

Compare and contrast

Love that front tree!

As I was snapping pictures, a bee
wandered in, doing her thing

I love this one.  Of course, I have a thing for close ups of flowers.
And using the rule of thirds helps make it interesting.

I love the way the petals almost shimmer

Dogwood buds

Kara's haul.  She is doing crafts with these.

I thought they looked so pretty sitting on the table.

Dove - they sure were making pretty coos

Acorn of some sort.  Look at that pollen dust on the table!

Moss - Kara decided to beat it with a rock to get the dirt off.  I have
no idea why she needed to do this, but it kept her busy for a while.  :-)
Today is raining, which is what it's supposed to do right?  After all, April showers bring May flowers.

Happy spring!
