
You have read all about how I am going through my whole house and deciding what things to keep and what things to donate (and what to throw away).  I have already gone through SO MUCH.  Like I said before, I'm up to about 6 car loads of junk taken away.  Plus tables and little furniture.  And toys, clothes, books, tvs, Christmas decorations, pantry items.  And more!

I've gone through my closet and cleaned out NINE bags of clothes Michael and I don't wear anymore.  (5 bags were his, thank you very much).  I gave my mom and sister old purses, wallets, shoes, etc.

Now I'm going through the homeschool room.  I gave a box of 4th grade books to a homeschooling friend who is finishing up 3rd grade with her son.  Then I went through our homeschool portfolios and picked out fun drawings and crafts I want to save.  Oh, and cute stories.  I threw away boring worksheets.  I have a small box filled with the good stuff, plus the love notes Kara used to write for me. One says "Kara & Mommy" then has Daddy written on it with an "x" crossing him out.  lol!

Then I kept going.  Kara isn't going to read the fairy princess books people gave her as gifts.  (Yes, these people don't know Kara at all.  She has NEVER been a princess girl.)  I picked out everything below her reading level, everything she has zero interest in, and kept going.  I have a large box of books and workbooks to donate.

Then I went to the closet.  Oh, the closet.  I got rid of a ton of supplies and toys when I gave 17 boxes to Operation Christmas Child back in November.  Next, it was time to go through crafty things - all set aside for Michael's mom.  She is the master crafter and can use these things.  Of course she was just here and if I had it together to give her when she was here, that would have made too much sense.  Anyway, I kept going.  Give away, give away, give away.  Return this to Katie, return this to Christina, return that to mom, etc.  Give away, give away.  Then I got to my cross stitch stuff.  I LOVE to cross stitch.  It is a super relaxing hobby that turns out so beautifully.  But, I haven't had time to do it for years.  Like, maybe 10 years.  So, as I boxed it up (one day I'll go back to it!), I found a walmart bag with cards inside.  They were cards Michael gave me years ago.  Then I found a card with a letter in it from my dad written to me on my wedding day.  Then I found a baggie full of all the love notes Michael wrote to me while we were dating, engaged, and newly married.  Oh my word.  I didn't know I had all these treasures!  I promptly put them in my fire proof safe.  I can get new social security cards.  I can get new birth certificates.  I can get new passports.  These treasures are irreplaceable.

It's kind of fun to pack.  :-)


Unknown said…
What amazingly awesome finds!!!