
Monday was so pretty - the air was warm, the sun was shining, it was fabulous.  My car said 62 degrees!

Since we have spent our days and nights considerably below freezing (for several months), it felt SO warm.  I stood outside (yes, in flip flops) with my eyes closed, face raised to the sky, and inhaled.  Ahhhh.  With my eyes closed, I saw....warm, red.  I forgot that quickly how cold winter has been.  Wow.  I am ready for the earth to come back to life and bring colors too.

Meanwhile, with the crazy February weather in Alabama (record braking 11 inches of snow in one day, 50 degree weather drops in one day, ice storms, etc.), our ground breaking has been delayed a whole month.  Our land is one big mud pit where the construction equipment can't get their footing.  They are now *hoping* for mid April.  Well, we've had a lot of time to:
 * work on setting up everything in the bank
 * they will have plenty of time to get our permits
 * the plans are final
 * the architect is done and paid
 * we are STILL waiting on the budget
I will give them to the end of the week, then I will start bugging them about sending me budget info.  (Bert had the flu last week, so I'm trying to give him extra time to recover and catch up.)

So, we are trying to relax here in Maryland, just trusting the Lord has this whole thing in His hands.  It's not easy - especially for someone like me - I want to know when Michael is getting his job, when we are moving, when the house will break ground, and what the budget will be.  I feel like those are big things to have had up in the air since October!
