More Steps In The Right Direction

House stuff:
Well, here we are.  30 days from my last trip and this is supposed to be when we were breaking ground.  I was surprised to hear it would be so soon, and now I wish they hadn't said that in the first place.  In their defense, they had a mild, dry winter, so they thought it would be 30 days.  After I came home, all heck broke loose and they broke records with crazy weather.  So, that pushed us back quite a bit.  Fortunately, the workers do their thing whenever the weather allows them to, no matter the day of the week.  Of course the best days have been all weekends!  Anyway, I got word that they worked all this past weekend.  First they had to pump the water out of the trenches they dug, then they got our water lines in.  Isn't that crazy?  Remind me to not sign up for that job any time soon.  Poor guys.  According to Bert, all lines will be done and inspected by the end of this week.

Next, they lay a gravel driveway.  This is important so all heavy machinery can get back to our property, and later on, my car!

While that has been happening, Bert has put stakes around where the house will go on our property so they can start taking trees down.  Bert and Earl need to meet and make a formal site plan, then they can knock down trees.

All of that won't be done for several weeks.

Bert is also putting together the budget.  He is waiting to hear back on estimates for many things - flooring, windows, cabinets, counters, etc.  Still another week before I hear back on that.  He made the call to get the foundation stuff set up - extra steps have to be made for the fireplace and the tornado shelter.  Bert says that will take 3 more weeks.

And all of that is why Bert is "hoping" we break ground in mid April.

Job stuff:
Michael's job stuff is progressing nicely.  His company interviewed a man who lives and works in Huntsville already.  He has a zillion contacts and will be hired to set up the Alabama location.  So, now we are curious to see if this man will set everything up over the next few months, then call Michael when something is ready; or if Michael will be giving his notice at his current job asap so he can join him and get everything set up as a team.

Either way, we think Michael will be working and living in Alabama before the house is done next year.

We are definitely feeling encouraged by the Lord, who we sought through this whole thing, that this is His plan.  Everything is lining right up, things don't necessarily make sense, but they are just right.  And as well as I know my Jesus, I can tell you that's how He works.  It comforts me to no end.
