Zero to Crazy In No Time Flat

Our day went like this:

I had a nice breakfast with Kara at a decent hour (thanks to the time change), then we got ready for the day - I showered while Kara got dressed and did her PT exercises.

We did a half day of school - we worked on multiplication tables while I did my makeup, we did grammar and math games on the tablet, and she read a chapter in her school book.  Finally, I read her two poems, which she loved.

Then we made a lunch to bring in the car with us and headed out to PT.  We were nice and early, which makes me feel good.  At PT, the therapist ran into one of the people who will do Kara's casting tomorrow, so they got to meet Kara.  While they were there I finished the last day of a great 6 week Bible study.  I was feeling like I was in such a good place.  When they came out, Kara was in a great mood (she LOVES PT), and the therapist said everything was set for tomorrow!

Kara and I came home and I started working on getting things ready for the casts.  I ordered bags to put on top of her casts so she can bathe fairly normally, I ordered How To Train Your Dragon 2 so it would be delivered the day it comes out (Tuesday) so Kara doesn't have to go out if she doesn't feel like it.  I was feeling good.  Then, I checked out the email from the physical therapist about casting.  I reviewed the instructions about what she should wear to her first day, how she should have her toenails clipped, etc.  Then, hidden in the email she sent weeks ago, I see "the Orthopedic Surgeon we saw months ago needs to send over a prescription for casting."  What?


So, knowing me, I probably would have freaked out anyway, but the full moon and PMS weren't helping.

So, my stomach falls 20 feet and my brain jumps right to - we won't be able to start casting tomorrow without a prescription, then we won't be done by Christmas, then we won't even start until January.  Extreme, I know, but this is the crazy brain I have to live in.  (My therapist calls it a cognitive distortion.  We are working on these.)

So, I call the Orthopedic Surgeon's office and ask them to fax over the prescription, they don't sound super competent, but they assure me it'll be done by tomorrow.  Oh, that's nice.  Maybe this isn't a big deal and will be resolved easily.  Then they said they'll have a prescription for PT ready for me.  I said NO!  She is already doing PT, I need a prescription for casting.  And, wouldn't you like a fax number so you know where to send it?  Oh yeah.  Not feeling so good about that anymore....

My brain is going non stop.  I am so upset that this is the third physical therapist we have seen in the period of one month.  (One was fired and one moved.)  I am annoyed that this third girl was on vacation while we were on vacation and communication has been difficult.  (Irrational?  Yes.  But it's how I feel.)  I am disappointed no one told me a prescription was needed any other time than once, hidden in an email I may have never looked at again.  I'm disappointed that the physical therapist didn't say anything about it TODAY when we saw her.  And she even told me she saw the casting lady, who didn't mention it either!

So, I called my sister (who I often call to bring me down out of my crazy when I'm spinning out of control) who has dealt with doctors for years and she reassured me this is how things always go.  She said I have every right to show up tomorrow and expect the casting will happen either way and if the prescription doesn't happen immediately, I need to demand they call the office and make it happen while I'm there.  She assured me that we pay a fortune for these services and if they didn't insist this was important enough that I have to do it, they can do it for me.

That was helping a bit.

Then Michael came home from work.  Then Kara wants dinner.  Then Kara asks me 3 questions from the other room while I'm no the phone.

Then my dad called to talk about the Alabama property.  He was so sweet and excited for me.  He wanted to see what we were going to do next and he wants me to share all the details with him.  This is how my family shows love - they ask details about something you're excited about.  I LOVE this about us.  We are detail people and when we are excited about something, we want to talk about it non-stop.  Having someone say they are open to hearing every one of those details is THE BEST.  Unfortunately, it was bad timing because I was worked up about the stupid prescription.  Then he says I need to be sure we aren't closing on the land in Alabama.  I said I thought we were doing it here in Maryland, but he says to be sure.  He's right, that would be awful to have to rush to make plane reservations at the last minute in Nov/Dec.  But, my hands are full and I am already stressed.  I texted the realtor and she said we can close in Maryland.  Good.  Phew!

Then I call the PT office, and they assure me they are working on getting the prescription for me.

Then the physical therapist I saw today assured me (through email) that it would be fine and they should be able to do it for me.

Crisis averted.



Time to go say welcome home to Michael and give him a smooch.

Much better.

Time to make dinner, eat it, and relax with a little ice cream.  ;-)

Boy, I can go from zero to crazy in no time flat.  I didn't get as freak out crazy as I used to and I calmed completely down much faster than I used to.  Maybe one day I'll actually be normal.  :-P  Maybe not - I know PMS and the full moon have been affecting me all day.  

If you don't have a crazy brain, please don't take it for granted!
