Still Praying

As if we didn't need a reason to leave, the crime is only rising here in our town.  The police sent out an automated call last night letting everyone in town know the daytime break-ins have gotten so bad that we all need to take extra precautions.  Between 9am and 3pm, people are breaking in through people's glass sliding back doors.

Here's the thing - the epicenter of the break-ins surround the section 8 housing nearby.  Maryland (well, my county along with several counties around us) is big into getting people out of the cities and into the suburbs to give them a chance to get out and start over.  I LOVE this idea.  Completely and totally LOVE it.  Everyone in America deserves the same opportunities.  While many have taken advantage of these opportunities, some are bringing crime levels up in their surrounding neighborhoods.  Our neighborhoods that cost a fortune to live in.  *sigh*  I think it was such a good idea, but it's not a perfect system.

ANYWAY, the daytime break-ins have me afraid of my house during the day and at night.  I'm so ready to leave.

Meanwhile, it's 7:00pm here on the east coast and the property owners are meeting now to talk about our offer.  God, I really want your will for our lives, but I am asking you to please say yes to this offer so we can start moving forward.  I am also praying you open a position for Michael's job sooner, rather than later.  Please protect us in this crime-filled neighborhood and please change the hearts of those who are guilty!  You are so wonderful and have the BEST plan - better than I can fathom.  Amen!

UPDATE:  Our realtor is meeting with the owner Tuesday morning at 8am.
