Day 2 of Casting

I'm not going to journal every day of this, but so far Kara is still fine with the casts.  She slept well her first night and woke up super early this morning.  (I think she wasn't in as deep of a sleep this morning and when she tried to roll over, the casts woke her up.)  We will all go to bed early tonight.  I must be getting old because going to bed early sounds sooooooo fabulous to me.

Kara is getting around the house nicely and loves not going anywhere.  I have to say, I love it too.  We are talking about whether she feels up to church or not - I know she can do it, it's just such a big church I'm not sure she'll want to explain to everyone why she's wearing casts.  Michael (who is an introvert and has been his whole life) insists that she be able to stay home any time she doesn't want extra attention from the casts.  Very sweet!

The ladies who did her casts told her everyone will say, "WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?!?" and she is allowed to give either of the following responses:
  * I don't want to talk about it.
  * My muscles are tight and the casts are helping loosen them.
  * I was attacked by a shark in my bathtub.
We LOVED the last one, but decided not to say that to very young friends in case they end up afraid of the tub.  :-)

Kara feels very normal and has decided these don't hold her back from anything she wants to do.  I am afraid if we go somewhere and someone teases her, she'll change her mind about that.  I guess that's a risk we have to take - I'm going to let her decide what she wants to leave the house to do.

I am SO ready for my stupid back to be well so I can spend all of this time in the house getting rid of more junk before we move.  I sent a friend home with a trunkload of stuff to donate or sell on eBay.  I didn't care what she did with it, just please get it out of our house!  Anyway, soon enough I will be making Thanksgiving meal lists, thinking about putting up Christmas decorations, and getting rid of more and more junk.  I also am thinking about staging our house - I am going to want to change a few things around.  I realize normal people don't think about this until they are going to put their house on the market, but we all know I'm not normal and I plan ahead on these things.  :-)
