Counter Offer

Well, they counter offered pretty high, but still came down a considerable amount from their original list price.  We came up a smidge from our original offer, at the advice of our realtor.

They added a bunch of restrictions on the front 9 acres - they want the neighborhood to stay high end and they want us to join their HOA (which is cheap-o compared to the standard here in Maryland).  We are totally fine with that.  Being from the suburbs my whole life, I have no interest in owning livestock or poultry, I have no interest in putting in a tacky chain link fence, I have no intention of putting in an above ground pool, I have every intention of building a beautiful home with all extra buildings (detached garage for Michael's boat) matching the house.  All of that is fine with us!  And, those good ol' 10 acres out back are unrestricted in case we want to let out our inner hillbilly somewhere.  :-)

So, hopefully they respond to us quickly this time.  Either way, we wouldn't settle on the property until December 5th, so we have another month to wait.  Bummer.  We are ready to get in there and run utilities to the property before it gets too close to the winter.  Why is God's timing never my timing?  ;-)
