The Hair

Today was the day I cut my hair, well the hairdresser cut it. I really like it, but Michael isn't a fan. Neither is Kara. Michael wouldn't have said anything, except my mom came right out and asked him. Kara on the other hand wasn't so sweet. She keeps telling me over and over that I don't look like me and she wishes I had longer hair still. (Which really sounds like she just doesn't like change.)

This sort of goes along with my last post: Fortunately those two people who are the most special in the world to me (next to my Savior) could care less what I look like - when it comes right down to it, they love me for me and are happy when I'm happy. Ah, unconditional love is an amazing thing.


Vicky said…
Kara mentioned this when we were talking. I told her it was a good thing that you did and that your hair would grow back very fast!
jessicaday said…
Lol! Michael likes it more than I thought and it's finally "growing" on Kara. She thinks I'm absolutely crazy for donating it. :-) I brought her to the post office with me so she'd make the connection that I really gave it away.