Working out is working out.

Ah, it's been a good first week. Shoveling the other day burned 635 calories and now I'm doing a two week trial membership to a gym. Today I'm going to try one of the classes. That along with cutting back on junk food has helped me lose a few pounds. Now all I have to do is live this way for the next.......well, the rest of my life! I may not be so great at the dieting, but I do like exercising. Here's to a healthier 2011!!


Kattrina said…
Good for you! I have officially gained 15 pounds in the last year and after I get back from Honduras I am DETERMINED to lose it all. I have a love/hate relationship with the gym. I don't mind it at times but treadmills put me to sleep and are so much easier than running outside. I have been wanting to take a BodyPump class for forever but it's ALWAYS filled. Very annoying. Hopefully I'll get a few of the classes in and it will make the gym more worth it. I have free gym membership though, since I work at the golf course, and only pay $28 a month to have access to the women's gym. Good luck to you!!
Vicky said…
Best wishes for a healthier 2011!

Had a blast with this weekend's visiting!