Another Day in the life of Nurse Mommy

Kara slept like the dead last night. Her poor little body was working so hard fighting off this nastiness. This morning she woke up at 5:45! That's really early for us. Her normal wake time is 7 or 7:30. She came and watched cartoons in my bed for a while, then announced in a very adult manner that she thinks she may have to throw up. She got up, moseyed on into the bathroom, sat down in front of the toilet and threw up. She said, "don't worry mommy, I made it." Then she calmly got up and walked herself to the bed. Um, I still cry when I throw up - it's horrible - and she was calm and didn't even need a hug. Then about an hour later, she did the same thing. I said, do you want your bucket (because she was hugging it for a good 15 minutes) and she said, "no thank you. I'll make it." And she did! She's pretty awesome.
After that we waited an hour or so for school to open so I could call her out sick, even though she didn't have a fever and was feeling better. We both were asleep for a morning nap at 9:30 and we slept until a little after 11. I thought she could make it to swim lessons (she felt amazing by then), but she was too weak. I made her walk across the house, which she did, but then I made her run across the house. She was too tired to do it, so I told her she couldn't go to swim. (That way it wasn't me being mean saying she couldn't go, it was her body failing the test. Not that I have a problem putting my foot down, anyway, it worked.)
She has been her normal self the rest of the day! So funny. I think she was only sick this morning because she didn't eat anything yesterday and her belly was full of snot. That gets her every time. I don't think the tummy troubles was part of the virus.
After taking care of her, I'm wiped out. Unless maybe I have a touch of what she has. Who knows? I'm just glad God has healed her and we weren't traveling when she was sick.
Tomorrow she's going to school and then we're taking her to the post office to get her a passport. We're taking her on her first cruise this year so she's gonna need one! :-)


Elisabeth said…
glad she's feeling better!
Vicky said…
AWWW! That is so cool that she is going on the cruise with you this year! Glad she is feeling better. Glad you don't seem to be any worse!