
We are recovering nicely from the storm the other day. We lost a tree in the backyard, but I'm so grateful it didn't crash through the house that I don't mind replacing the chair it took out. Lol! Everyone is still talking about the snow and it's such a big deal. School has been out for three days and that makes is a 5 day weekend. I'm wondering how long kids will be going to school in the summer!

Kara had a field trip today to the fire station and we were told we didn't have to come if we didn't want to (half the class didn't show up) but those of us who went had a great time. We got to see the firemen and firewomen dress up in their gear, see each vehicle there, and actually go inside one of the big trucks. Wow, I was so impressed - more than most of the kids. :-)

It snowed again most of today, but it was really wet snow that melted when it hit the ground. At least it made for an empty WalMart! I am an official Target convert, but WalMart has the best jeans in the world that fit my body. Too bad they didn't have my size - I guess I'll order online. But the good news about the snow today meant WalMart was fairly empty. Everyone went the day BEFORE the storm.

Anyway, I'm totally rambling. I'm just tired, but I had a pretty good day. I know I should want to cook since we went out to dinner tonight, but I'm not feeling it.

Looking forward to a restful weekend! Happy Friday everyone!


Elisabeth said…
So far Hannah will be in school until June 7th. Actually, that was what I heard on the last snow day we had....