That Time of Year....

I guess it's that time of year - time to diet and exercise. I've put it off for a week now, but the rest of the country is cutting back, why not jump on the bandwagon? Let's call it support. Michael is even starting too - that's encouraging too. However, the FIRST day he cut back a little bit and he lost two ONE day!! That's not so encouraging. There's no way I can lose two pounds in a day - not anymore anyway. I used to lose 5 pounds the first week and 10 pounds the second week when I would diet. Not anymore!! So, let the games begin and we'll see how far I get. I just have to resolve myself to slow results. Since I've put on a lot of weight this year, it will be hard to stay focused! Here goes nothing........


Elisabeth said…
you should wait until after this weekend coming up! I'm sure there will be lots of eating going on in NC.
jessicaday said…
:-) I was thinking the same thing.......Maybe I'll start the exercise, but not the diet. :-) How's that for a winner's attitude! I think I may know how I got this big to begin with. Lol!
Vicky said…
I second Liz's comment! Speaking of which, I've gotta send that e-mail to you girls about the to do that NOW before I forget AGAIN!!!!