Sick Little One

We came back from the airplane with the sniffles. My throat has been hurting and my nose is running. Kara is the same, but she has a nasty dry sounding cough. It seems like every time we go on an airplane we pick up new germs. Between the circulated air on the plane and the thousands of people in the airport, we're bound to get something. Her cough wasn't so good yesterday, but she was fully functioning, so I sent her to school. She had a great day and was acting fine until around bed time when she was extra whiny. So, I gave her cough medicine (Mucinex). It says I can give it to her every 4 hours, so that's what I did through the night. She needed her sleep and coughing was disrupting it. Well, this morning all that cough medicine made her tummy upset. Fortunately just getting up and eating something (crackers) helped that right away. No one likes waking up and running to the bathroom thinking you're going to throw up. But she still has a fever. Last night before bed it was 99.1 and this morning it's 100.6. She's home from school with me and we're watching movies. Right now it's Alice in Wonderland. Nurse Mommy will be taking good care of her and hopefully she'll be better by this afternoon. Kids bounce back so quickly!


Vicky said…
AWWW! Poor babies! Hope Nurse mommy doesn't feel too bad with having to take care of our little Kara Bear! xoxoxoxoxo to you both!