Colds today vs 10 years ago

I have a cold. Just a regular cold. It felt so weird I almost didn't recognize it. I used to get colds like this - runny and stuffy nose, little sore throat, little cough, kind of tired. Now colds are three weeks long, they include fevers, chills, achiness all over my body - for days! They turn into sinus infections and won't go away without antibiotics. I thought this was just me getting older, but I think it's the cold germs getting stronger. I was talking to my friend who is a doctor the other day and he said that's absolutely what's happening. It's kind of scary, but makes me really like THIS cold that I have right now. It's "just a cold" instead of "I'm dying and will be in bed for 10 days kind of cold".


Kattrina said…
Colds are crappy! I usually get a few sore throats and laziness colds and that's about it (knock on wood). I hate them anyway. I don't think I've ever had the fever/chills things going on. That sounds horrible! Hope your little cold goes away soon.
jessicaday said…
Thanks Kattrina. :-) It's already on it's way out the door.

After I had Kara and she was old enough to crawl/walk around and get germs from places is when I started getting really sick. I've never been so sick in all my life as I have been after I had her. So you have that to look forward to! :-)