Memorial Day weekend

After we got home from California, I had a week to unpack and get the house in order so we could have "company". I put company in quotes because it was Michael's parents. They are so awesome I certainly don't consider them company: they're family! I prepared a few things to eat and then sat around all weekend and enjoyed watching them be awesome grandparents to Kara. They are SO good at being present with Kara. You know what I mean? She is their focus - there may not be a big quantity of time, but it is certainly quality. I'm so happy for Kara and so blessed to have such wonderful in-laws that I get along well with. They are thoughtful, considerate, great guests, and a blast to play cards with! :-)


Elisabeth said…
glad you all had a great time!
jessicaday said…
We did, thanks for sharing them. :-) I know you all are going to have a great time with them at the beach!!!
Anonymous said…
I didn't know they were going to the beach with you! You're going to have an awesome vacation!!!
jessicaday said…
Tim & Vicky are going with the Palmers, and I think little Michael is going too. They should have fun!
Vicky said…
Thanks for your lovely comments, Jessica! You were a perfect host, as usual! I love every minute I get to share with Kara (and you and Michael! :)

CAN't wait for the beach trip!