Sunday Afternoon

After church on Sunday, we went through the Dairy Queen drive thru and ate lunch at home.  Where I lived in Maryland, there was only one Dairy Queen, and it was so nasty and so dirty, I only ate there once and never again.  So I don't understand the draw.  But, here, with a really nice one, I am starting to get it.  So far, I have had one ice cream (remember, mom and dad when we walked from the hotel to get an ice cream and ate it in the hotel lobby?), and now one burger.  So far, so good!  I plan to make that a more regular place to eat when we're doing fast food.

Then I headed out to the new house because it was such a pretty day.  I sat on the front porch and did a Bible study, all the while infusing God's glorious creation in with what I was learning.  I decided to take a video of all the crickets and cicadas and butterflies.  Let's pretend I have a brain that helps me remember to take the life proof case off my phone so you can hear those things without cranking your volume all the way up.  Let's also assume I stop clicking the phone with my fingers and making those loud noises.  ;-)

Then I headed out to the back yard because my future screened in porch looked so lovely back there.  After sitting on the front porch with all that wide-open-ness to sitting in the back, I felt like I was IN the forest.  Trees all around, birds, bugs, wind in the leaves.  Heaven.  I just adore it.

I really think God put a love of His creation in us as an effort to draw us closer to our Creator.  He is so big and so amazing and makes such a perfect system.  Thinking about how it all works together is mind blowing.  I don't understand how evolutionists can think it all happened on accident.  It's all so perfect!  There are even ways God built in recycling!  Just wonderful.

And that was my Sunday.  Hours alone in the quiet.  Is there a better way to spend the day?  I think not.

Have a great week!
