I wish.

I wish.

I wish we lived in a time/place where I can pick up a hitchhiker.  I'd love to give someone a ride.  Especially when I'm going that way anyway, even when I'm not.  I'd love to talk to them and buy them lunch and wish them well.  I'd love to help.

I wish we lived in a time/place where I can invite a stranger into my house for a meal.  I heard a story of a homeless person coming across my Grandma's house and she made him lunch, including a giant sandwich with lots of meat.  I want to make sandwiches.  I want to feed the hungry.  I want to always have a little extra food on hand to give others.

I wish we lived in a time/place where drifters could stay the night in my empty spare bedroom, like they did in civil war days.  I have the space.  I have the heat/air conditioning.  I have the shower.

I wish we lived in a time/place where a hard days work meant something and people strived to help with something around the house so I could send them on their way with money/food/whatever.

I wish we lived in a time/place where every person on financial assistance was doing their best, truly needed it, and did everything they could to get right back on their feet.

Just when I get disappointed that I can't do all of that because people are scary, I remember there is a place like that - heaven.  We aren't supposed to feel at home here.  This isn't our home.  Heaven is.  And one day I get to go there.

In the mean time, I'll find ways to help, feed, serve, donate that don't put my family at risk.  There are still plenty of opportunities!

For now,

Everyone has a story and I will work hard to remember that.  And I'll keep my eyes on the goal - the kingdom of God.


Vicky said…
It stinks that the world has gotten so crazy in the last 40-50 years! We used to walk up and down the road ALL the time! I wouldn't THINK of doing it today! Soon, and very soon, we will be going HOME!!! Even so, come Lord Jesus!