Still Loving It

I am even more in love with this town.

I woke up at the crack of 9am.  ;-)  I got myself ready to go to the doctor - it's time for a prescription refill anyway, and it's time to start shopping around for doctors and dentists.

I searched the internet for doctors in town and that's basically how I happened upon this office.  Fairly random - except one office I called didn't accept anyone with chronic pain or chronic anxiety.  That rules me out!

So I met the doctor, who seemed nice.  I prefer female doctors, but this guy was okay.  He looked young - maybe my age.  We got to talking about my anxiety mostly, since I was there for a prescription refill.  I explained how it started, how the medicine has helped, and how therapy helped.  I explained that while my therapist was secularly educated, I asked her for Biblical advice and as a preacher's wife and Christian, I was able to get help that way.  In Maryland, I had to be careful what I said about being a Christian.  People would be offended, they would ice me out, and it even got to the point that I had to teach sweet Kara not to say Merry Christmas, but to say Happy Holidays instead.  :-(  Anyway, this guy said if I was looking for Christian therapy, there are several places and he gave me their names.  All free or take insurance.  Then he said he was a Christian too and asked if he could pray for me.  He said prayer and medicine go hand in hand to heal, which I agree with, and he prayed over me for a good several minutes.  For my family, for our move, for my anxiety, for my peace.  It felt so right!  Shouldn't all treatment and healing go that way?  I'm so grateful for this town where there are Christians everywhere.  On the way out, I saw the Physicians prayer posted right by the exit where everyone who comes here will see it and will have time to read it while they stand in line:

I mean, I am coming from a place where you can't do that sort of thing!  I love it here.

Then I brought my prescription to the pharmacy and said I could swing by there to pick it up in a few hours.  Wait, it would be less than two hours.  That wouldn't be enough time.  They said, no it'll be plenty of time!  How nice!

Then Kara and I headed out to horse lessons and saw the cutest little baby spotted fawn munching on some grass by the side of the road.

The fall foliage here is amazing.  With trees everywhere, the colors are spectacular.  This is a picture of the tree in the backyard of our rental house:

Kara's horse lessons went very well and she is trotting with confidence now.  The only complaint she had about today's lesson is that the horse didn't obey her as fast as he should have.  What a difference compared to driving home while she cried because trotting was scary.  I love it.

Now I'm relaxing on the computer until it's time to cook dinner.  My whole evening is free.

I just am so in love with it here.


Vicky said…
What a blessing to have a Christian doctor who believes in the power of prayer!