
So, Christina started feeling pain in her abdomen early this week.  Maybe even in the weekend.  She emailed Dr. Goldberg (the doctor who fixed her two and a half years ago when her pancreas totally freaked out).  Dr. Goldberg said to take it easy and let him know if she got worse.  Well, she got worse.  She finally told us what was going on by Wednesday, when my mom dropped everything and took her to the ER.  The one in the city where Dr. Goldberg works.  He is the expert on all things pancreas related and Christina is blessed to live so close to Baltimore.

Christina was told she would just live a life of pancreatitis flaring up periodically.  Nothing sets it off, she didn't do anything wrong.  Remember, what's wrong with her is this:  there are two "pipes" that go into your pancreas - a big one and a small one (the small one is kind of a backup).  For whatever reason she only has the small one.  So, she has to live on that the rest of her life.  I remember them explaining why she was 30 before this became an issue, but I forget the answer.  Something about how children mostly need the small one or use it or something.

So, I'm not sure if 2 and a half years between pancreatitis spouts is a long time or a short time, but this is her life.

First of all, they had to be positive that's what this is.  She has had other things (stomach bleeds, gall bladder issues - now removed, appendix issues - now removed, etc.).

Wednesday they got to the ER, got her admitted, got her pain and nausea meds, and started the testing.  First they did an ultrasound, then a CT.  They tested for pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, cancer, ischemia - which is the inadequate blood supply to an organ, and much more.  They had to rule everything out.  And we are grateful for it.  The CT showed she did have pancreatitis, but they still kept checking, for which we are grateful.

Wednesday she slept poorly (you know how they wake you every 15 minutes), then Thursday was the day for the endoscopy.  Since they found pancreatitis, they almost didn't do the endoscopy because they were afraid it would make the pancreatitis worse.  But, we are so grateful they did!  It turns out there is some ulcer stuff / stomach bleeding stuff going on too!

In the mean time, she hadn't had anything to eat or drink in several days (which is the only cure for pancreatitis) and we were nervous she would need a feeding tube again.  It was such a horrible ordeal last time.  She couldn't lay down to sleep so she slept in a recliner in her living room, it was painful, she couldn't work (very well), she needed meds, she couldn't bathe without help, wash her hair, lift her arms, do anything by herself, nurses came to her house, the tube would get clogged, the works.  Fortunately it lasted over a month instead of even longer, but it was miserable.  We were all hoping she wouldn't need to do that again!!!

PRAISE GOD, her pancreas is showing signs of healing already.  I feel like it was miraculous God healing.  They started treating her ulcers right away and her pain eased up.  They asked her to try thin liquids and see how her pancreas tolerated it.  Well, it tolerated it just fine!  They continued to treat the ulcers, stopped the pain medication, and she seems to be doing pretty well.

She is exhausted, and who knows how long she will be out of work, but we are all grateful this isn't a life threatening thing.  But it makes me wonder - will she ever be able to move away from the Baltimore area where Dr. Goldberg works?  What will happen when my mom is in Florida and can't be in the hospital with her the whole time?  When will the next "outbreak" be?  Two and a half years?  Longer?  Shorter?  She is a ticking time bomb.  And she is so young and doesn't have any babies yet. Will she even be able to have babies?  What if this happens again when she's pregnant and can't have all that pain medicine?

No matter what.  No matter what, God is good.  This is all part of His plan and I trust.

It doesn't mean I'm happy about it.

Today (Friday) Christina will try thicker liquids and see how that is tolerated.  If she can handle those, which they expect she should, she will be able to go home to recover.

This whole thing was going to cancel my mom's trip down here, but if Christina is truly recovering and is fine, my mom should be good to go to come visit.  We miss each other dearly, and if Christina is well, my mom needs a break.  She spends every waking moment at the hospital with Christina and doesn't eat well or at all.  Especially since Christina's issues are GI related.

God, You are my God and I will every praise you.


Unknown said…
I'm so sorry to hear that!!! How awful! And how thankful that your mom was able to be there. I would be full of questions too. Praying for her.