Tangled Web

Oh what a tangled web we weave
When we practice to deceive

Yes, the lies went deeper and deeper and deeper.  Oh my.  Yesterday was a rough day.  While I am so disappointed in Kara, she was sick and shaking with guilt, so that (along with a few other things) are going to be her punishment.  All I can do is ask her to confess everything (she only confessed a bit, I uncovered the rest on my own), then offer her forgiveness.  I told her even though she will be punished (as direct a consequence as I can give her for this), her slate is clean and it's over now.  I am not mad at her and she will have to work through her guilt on her own.

So, let's start over today, shall we?  That's my favorite thing about God.  He offers infinite forgiveness.  Infinite do-overs.  Infinite new beginnings.  I want Kara to know that.  This is not an invitation to party on Saturday night so you can confess on Sunday morning.  But, for people like us who are tough on ourselves, we need to know our Father is full of mercy and grace.  Not that we should take sin lightly.  But, you know what I mean.  We can come to Him at any time, at any place in our lives, and He will be there ready to work with us on those sins.

Today may not be the first day of the week or the first day of the year, but it's a great time to start over.  Fresh and clean and free, yet dealing with our consequences.
