Wednesday, Dec 10

Nothing fun to report.  Everything is either boring or yucky.  (Please pray for an unspoken request.)

It's been a rough week.

Anyway, let's leave on a good note.  I adore this kid:

Can you see the satisfaction in her eyes?  I can!
That expression is satisfaction and boredom - I took
a zillion pictures of her and she doesn't like posing.  :-)
I took this picture after they took her casts off last week and before they put new ones on.

Look at how "almost" straight she can stand while flat footed!  She used to not be able to stand flat footed at all.  Then she could, but had to bend way over.  Now her bottom sticks out a little and her chest sticks out a little, but this is drastic improvement.  Kara is working A LOT on her hips, quads, bottom, and hamstrings.  She is an amazing kid!!


Elisabeth said…
You wouldn't think there was so much involved in walking correctly or what needs fixed when you don't! I'm glad she's doing so well!
jeday0323 said…
Tell me about it! I have learned so much in this process. The hardest thing I've learned is everything but Kara's arms and shoulders is messed up! All joints, all muscles. Like you said, I'm so glad she's doing so well!