New Exercises

Now that Kara is out of casts, we got a whole new set of exercises at physical therapy today.  Kara will be working on her ankles, all over her feet, her toes, and, well, the rest of her body.  lol!  I asked for game ideas for each exercise because doing each one like a grown up is super boring and Kara is starting to dread them.  So, now we play games, do what we can, and I keep doing my joint mods.

Sorry, this is our lives these days!

Let's see, what else have we been up to.  We ran a bunch of errands yesterday.  It was almost fun running errands in the rain because we didn't have to bag up Kara's casts.  :-)  I had a bunch of paperwork to deliver for the trust, and I'm working on thank you presents for the physical therapists who did Kara's casts.

I told Michael I said goodbye to my therapist today and he said, "you were going to therapy?"  lol!  He chuckled and said he was kidding.  He knew I was going and is glad I'm doing well.  Therapy would be totally wasted on a person like him (someone who doesn't enjoy talking about their feelings), so he doesn't understand why it works for me, but he supports anything that will help make me well.  He is a good, good man.

Now.  Now I need to wrap the few Christmas presents I bought, do about 3 loads of laundry, continue with homeschool, plan what to make for Christmas breakfast with my family on Saturday, pick up Kara's new braces, pack for our trip to Alabama, pack for Christmas with the Days, take the decorations down, etc, etc, etc.

And that's my week!  Whew!
