Tuesday, August 13th

We got a lot done in school this morning.  We did a full day of school in about 2 hours.

We started with Bible and learned about when Jesus fed the 5,000.  We learned that this is in the Bible because we are to take our 'things' to God and watch Him do amazing things with them.

Then we did reading - today was reading two poems.  One about April (which makes me already excited for spring) and the other about Dusk in June.  Kara liked these.

Next was writing.  She had to write a bio-poem.  The first 2 words in each line were written for her and this is what she filled in.

How sweet was that?

Then Math, with xtramath and 2 online games for making change.

Next was Social Studies - left Ancient Egypt and now we're on Mesopotamia.

Then art - looking at old cave paintings and replicating one.

Then chess:

It's going to help with her 'thinking' class.  Michael loves chess, so I'm glad she's learning.

And finally Science.  More about bugs!  We're learning about social bugs - bees, hornets, wasps, and ants.  How can anyone who studies anything about science NOT believe in God?

Lastly, we did P.E.  The online video seemed boring, so we used the bouncy house play date with our friends as P.E.  They bounced for 2 hours!

Then we shopped, played with a neighbor at home, had dinner with my family, and now it's bedtime!

Whew, tomorrow is going to be crazy and I hope to get a full day of school in first.  I an getting ready for bed now then.  Night night!
