Kara's Room Cleanup

It's that time again.  Kara's room has been getting worse and worse and worse.  It was taking longer and longer to clean it.  So, it's time for one of mommy's infamous deep cleaning days.  Also known as take LOADS of stuff out of there.


It always gets worse before it gets better.  My organization method is take everything out of everywhere, put in piles to donate, trash, keep (using bags and laundry baskets).  THEN put away what you want to keep, then clean.


Yes, my poor girl's bed side table is a tv tray.  One day we'll upgrade it.  I promise.

 Kara asked me to turn her desk to face this way.  I don't like it, but she is the one who will be using it.

 These are empty!  Only 1 and a half drawers are being used, so hopefully when we need to do a quick cleanup, everything can be dumped in there.

All her bags are on the top shelf.  It looks a little messy, but it is organized chaos.  Then the middle shelf has rubbermaid tubs with large legos and with craft items.  Finally, the bottom shelf has two rubbermaid tubs with small legos in them.

Under her tv, there is only one tub with things in it, and the rest is empty.  Again, a good place to put stuff when we need to put things away quickly.

I also cleaned out and organized books, drawers, clothes that are too small, shoes, etc.

I am tired and need a shower, but I am feeling good with how I spent my Saturday!  :-)
