Today's pictures

You're annoyed already, aren't you?

Please come back.  I promise not to just do pictures forever.

Good morning!

 Kara's husky joined us for class today, and brought her glasses.  Doesn't she look smart?

 Online school

 Kara is posing with a silly face while she plays the whistle she made in music class today.

 Tree out back

 Didn't figure out the light on this one, but her face is precious

 Speaking of precious!

 Chandelier in family room

Chandeliers in kitchen

I wanted to take more outside, but living so close to my neighbors here in suburbia made me realize I looked like a peeping Tom with my fancy new camera.  I guess I'll head to a park or something this weekend.  :-)

I hope you all are having a great week.  Only 2 more days until Labor day weekend!


Elisabeth said…
I like how it can focus on an object (the husky) and make the background blurry. My current camera is the best one I've had (I get a better one every tine we buy one) and I have a hard time getting it to do that.

I really want to take photography classes one day and get a really fancy camera so I enjoy your pictures!
jeday0323 said…
Thank you, Elisabeth! I agree, focusing on objects and everything else blurry is what I've wanted for a long time now. I feel like that's a major part of a quality picture. All my point and click cameras from Target or wherever never could do that the way this one does. This is one of those fancy 'real' cameras. I'm learning this stuff on my own with books, and asking Tony for help now and then. I hear youtube has great instructional videos.
For now I'm playing with the automatic setting, and trying to learn aperture, shutter speed, and ISO on the side.