New Year

This time of year is a good time for resolutions.

January = new year.  December was a time of crazy schedules, traveling, and family time.  January is a new year - the year's number changes, and everyone decides who they'd like to be in this new year.

Fall = new year.  Summer was a time of crazy schedules, traveling, and family time.  Fall is when everyone goes back to school, they are classified as a new grade older, new schedules are established, and everyone decides who they'd like to be in this new year.

While I'm not into resolutions like, "I'm never going to drink soda ever again or I'm going to lose 50 pounds" because those just set myself up for failure.  I do like resolutions like, "I want to be in the Word more or I want to take more pictures of Kara."

So, what are my resolutions?  Who do I want to be this new year?
  * I am starting a new online Bible study.
  * I am starting a home school group at church.
  * I am working at church longer on Mondays, which feels like a little part time job.
  * I am one of the team leads for an outreach event we're doing at church.
  * I am buying a new camera to start learning something about photography.  (Don't get excited, I do not have talent, I just think it sounds like a fun hobby.)
  * I am still couponing.
  * I am going to travel more - the first trip will be a road trip field trip to Alabama to see my friend Merideth - Kara and I are going to stop in fun places along the way - one of which will be Chattanooga.
  * Take a bunch of time off in December for Christmas.  It's not too late to reprogram everyone possible to celebrate Christmas differently.  For goodness sakes, we all have enough toys.

It's going to be a busy fall, but full of all sorts of good things.

What are your resolutions for this new year?
