Random stuff

I know I'm getting older because:
  * I've been called ma'am for almost 2 decades now
  * I text with fully correct grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.
  * I think the people who wait tables look as young as my 7 year old.

Funny stuff in the Day house:
Michael taught Kara that a unicorn with wings is called a pegacorn, like a pegasus with a unicorn's horn.  I am not sure this is true, even though they looked it up.  I told Michael it better be right because she will be teaching everyone in her life all about pegacorns from now on.  The next morning on the way to church, she mentioned them and I said, "everytime I hear you say pegacorn, it makes me want to smack your daddy."  She got really quiet for a minute, then said, "pegacorn, pegacorn, peagacorn, ...."  lol!

Kara's minecraft game had a big upgrade available, and she is THRILLED it now includes horses.


Elisabeth said…
And I hope you smacked him 3 times!
Kattrina said…
Haha - I text with correct grammar too!

And no one ever calls me ma'am - I guess I don't look sophisticated enough!
jeday0323 said…
Well, sophisticated is a super sweet way to put it. I wear loads of makeup, which has made me older looking for a while, but now my wrinkles and age-spot freckles give away my age, no matter the amount of make up. ;-)
Although, I will say, when I'm on vacation and out getting breakfast before I put makeup on (and without Kara), people treat me as a much younger person. Especially if I have my hair in a ponytail.