Thursday, August 29th

Today was a great day.  We went to Chick Fil A to meet a new friend.  This lady at church just moved to the area and is going to help me start the home school group at church.  She's exactly my age, was married the same time I was, and has a 7 year old who is a lot like Kara.  The best part - her 7 year old is a boy so Kara can play bugs with him and NEVER play princesses.  Fun!

But, first we started with school.  After Bible, we learned 5 new Aesop's Fables.  Then math and science.  We didn't get much further than that, but I plan to make up for it tomorrow.  Poor girl!

Life is busy busy for me around here, but I need to take a few minutes to take a picture or two.

Here's one!

Love those developing freckles.
