
I was talking with a friend the other day, who was telling me the trouble with her husband having the kind of personality that is easily swayed by other people.  She said she doesn't like it and when she sees her little one act like that, she tries to discourage it.  It got me thinking.

I totally agree with her.

I kind of want Kara to be skeptical.

Not nasty, just a little bit doubtful of what people say.  I want her to question what people tell her and go look it up for herself.  A little bit.  Fortunately, her personality is just like her father's and she likes to question what she's taught, and she really, really likes being right.  Instead of shooting her down with, "mommy is right, be quiet," I say, "I think I'm right, but let's look it up."  It helps her feel a little validated and then gives her the desire to go look it up to find the right answer.

Of course, I do believe the Bible is 100% correct, and will raise her to look there for answers to her questions, but as she gets older, I hope she learns about other religions so she knows for sure that she believes in Jesus, not just because she was raised that way, but because she came to it on her own.  Because it was her decision, not mine.

Man, parenting a 7 year old isn't as easy as a 2 year old.  A 2 year old is told, "no, no.  Don't touch."  If he/she touches, she gets a time out/spanking/whatever.  A 7 year old might be developing a personality that is easily swayed and will affect the rest of their lives.

