Friday, April 19th

What a great day!  This is day 2 of our summer vacation and Kara slept until 9.  Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!  :-)

We relaxed in the morning, so I could play on facebook, enjoy my entire cup of coffee, and get a few emails out.

Then we headed to pottery class.  Kara showed me her two bowls that are completely finished:

They are a really cool green color with steaks of light blue swirled in.  So pretty.  I get the big one and grandma gets the small one.  :-)

Then we stopped by the library on the way home for some books about horse riding lessons so she'd be more familiar with the vocabulary.

Then we started our first typing lesson.  Today was home row keys.  I found several neat online tutorials just for kids that are really like fun games.  She did really well.  I only made her do about 10 minutes, but if we do 10 minutes every day for 2 months, she should be good to go!

 Finding home row

Typing words

Finding keys as they light up

Hmmmm, I'm noticing the learning never ends when you live with your teacher.  :-)

We're going to play minecraft until we go to dinner with my parents, then come home and play minecraft all evening.  I think we'll take a little break so Kara can make a birthday card for Aunt Christina.  Tomorrow she turns the big 3-0!

Happy Friday everyone!


Vicky said…
Great job on the bowls, Kara! Would love to go with her sometime and she can show me how to do it! :D