I've Been Busy

Whew!  Life has been so busy, I haven't had time to post.

You're all facebook friends with me, so you know about my sister being in the hospital.  Now that my mom is home, she's been spending most of the time at the hospital.

Kara and I did quite a bit of school yesterday - we are starting to leave behind the worksheet-led way of doing school we did all year, and are starting to do more of what next year will look like.  (Way less worksheets, way more reading, writing, Bible, and spelling.  Same science, social studies, etc.)  We learned line graphs in Math and Kara went crazy for them.  She said, "can we do 17 more?"  Man, I loved line graphs myself.  Remember in algebra when we found the slope?  Rise over run?  Aw, I could do that stuff all day and all night.

I had a few errands to run:  grocery store, returning books to a friend, etc.  Still need to shop for shoes.....

Kara's doing Awanas now.  She's gone 3 times now and I'm getting further and further away each week.  (She wanted me right with her the first week.)  Of course, there's only 3 or 4 more weeks before they break for summer, but I still believe God led us here and we were supposed to start now.  So we did!

Next week starts horse riding lessons.  (Hmm, gotta remember to shop for shoes for that.  Where am I going to find boots with a heel for that this time of year??)  They're gonna learn about horses for quite a while before she actually gets up on the horse.  Fine with us!  Kara just wants to be around and learn about any animal she possibly can.  In fact, we're watching Big Cat Diaries now.

Still doing pottery.

Tomorrow we're starting up with a new home school group.  It'll be purely social, but I'm looking forward to it.

We've been trying to see friends.  We have two best friends - one we didn't see at all in March and won't in May either, so we're trying to see them twice this month (they live an hour away, so it is a big deal to go see them - and we stay all day).  The other was gone most of March, but lives close and we usually see them twice a week or so.  We've been making up for missed time in March, which means we've been going to their house as much as possible now.

Two of my cousins are coming to visit this weekend.  I think they're staying with me, so I cleaned the whole house, including the guest bedroom, bathroom, and all around so it would be pretty for them.

And that's what I've been up to!  Plus the normal every day stuff of running the home.  We're off to see the friend who lives an hour away today.  We're celebrating their little girl's 6th birthday since we can't be there for the party, so I bought cupcakes and we're going to pick out a present from the stockpile.  (You KNOW I'm busy if I bought cupcakes instead of baked them!)

Have a great Thursday!  Enjoy the Spring - I'll leave you with a picture of my tree blooming.  Ah, Spring is awesome.
