First Day of Summer Vacation

Today is the first day of our "summer vacation."  Since we plan to start school again in July, I should call this our "spring vacation."  Anyway, we woke up to find a dreary, rainy day.  Ah, Kara just walked in my room, it must be late - nope!  It was before 7am.  *sigh*  Not what I envisioned.

We went to a friend's house for a few hours, but the weather made all the kids whiny and gave me a headache.  At least, I think it was the weather, maybe it was the whining.

We came home around 2 and I worked on Kara's portfolio.  Last review (in January) it took me forever to organize her pictures and put them all together (it was a lot of pictures - Aug - Jan).  I thought since I was putting her worksheets away as we went that we were good to go.  Anyway, this semester I'm doing it now, but the interview won't be for a while yet - at least a month.  I've been working on it for days now and just finished this afternoon - I have 23 pages - just for Feb - mid-Apr.  I plan to continue doing informal school and take pictures along the way to add to what we have.

When I wasn't looking, the sun came out and Kara played outside with some neighbor friends, then brought her expensive juice boxes (I buy the expensive kind with vegetables in them for Kara since she doesn't eat vegetables) out to the neighbor kids.  Then she brought them her gum she got for Easter.  Well, at least she has a generous heart.  :-)

After dinner I organized Kara's closet - she had LOADS of clothes that were too small and it took forever to get ready in the mornings because we weren't sure what fit.  I have a large bag ready to go now.

Michael's at a fish club meeting and is packing for a fun weekend with the guys - a big tournament in Virginia.  Kara and I are going to have a 'girls weekend' which consists of no boys allowed!  I'm sure she'll have a slumber party with me, we'll watch movies, wear pjs all day, and maybe make some cookies.  It's supposed to be cold and rainy all weekend - perfect.  :-)

When Kara is playing on her computer, I'll pull out next years curriculum and start working on that.  Hmmmm, I thought this was supposed to be a vacation?
