Almost Done

We're almost done with school.  I think we will be able to finish tomorrow.  Wow, so weird.  This is the goal I've been working toward since I first got the books in the mail back in May.  And here we are.  Done.

Here's Kara working on end of the year tests to make sure she did in fact learn everything this year and also to see where we should pick up next year.

Kara is IN LOVE with line graphs.  Remember I told you about that?  Here's one I invented for her.

 She looks like a pirate saying Argh and Cheese at the same time.  :-)


 Here she is thinking.... (She picks her lips - her father is a lip chewer, she is a lip picker - these are habits that are completely unbreakable and I give up.)

Here's a blurry close up of her doing temperatures

I'm really proud of her for all the hard work she's done this year and we're both really excited to see what next year will hold.

P.S.  Kara went to Awanas all by herself this week and I was able to have fun shopping.  She hated it the first week, cried quite a bit, and never wanted to go back.  After slowly working my way out the door, by week 4 she was dropped off and did it alone.  I'm so proud of her.  :-)

Tomorrow is the first day of horse riding lessons!  (She won't be on the horse for several weeks, but she's still THRILLED to be around them any way she can.  I hope I can be somewhere nearby so I can take loads of pictures.)  :-)


Kattrina said…
Is that strange that she was so scared of being left at Awanas - did you have that problem with kindergarten? I'm glad she ended up liking it though! I'm sure she'll meet lots of new people and have a blast!
jeday0323 said…
Kattrina, the issue ended up being that she was hurt that first night and didn't tell me! She was on the verge of tears because she seriously hurt her wrist, then re-hurt it when we got there. It ended up being sore for a week and a half. Poor girl. I told her not to keep stuff like that from me - joining a loud group of 60 kids is intimidating enough without being injured on top of it! Anyway, she is fine now and acts like she owns the place. ;-)
Vicky said…
Good job, Kara, on school work and Awanas!