Would you like a tour?

So, I've been in planning heaven, just as I knew I would be.  I've been working on setting up my room, seeing what Kara's first week or two, or three will be like.  Setting up for games, ideas for teaching, etc.  Would you like a tour of our room, updated from the last time?

 Mine and Kara's desks - under the US map is a nice cursive chart

My desk, the pretty cubbies/shelves, and the chalkboard

 Behind Kara's desk - stool for guests (mainly grandma), my Bible study bulletin board, a weather chart, and a date/weather/mood chart (on the closet)

My glorious chalkboard with phonics charts below it and our daily schedule running alongside it

 Our daily schedule:  Bible, Phonics, Morning Reading, Seatwork (independent work), Spelling/Poetry, break, Writing (learning cursive), Math, Afternoon Reading, Activity (music, art, science, etc.)

Our first theme is "Around the Pond", so I printed out cute little pictures of pond animals and plants.  Also, the corkboard may look plain to you, but I prefer the straight edged black frame and I'm kind of digging the brown cork.  I may buy some cheap wrapping paper to put up there, but brown makes me happy right now!

I tried to use index cards I got for free and construction paper I got super cheap from Ollies.  I'm not a "real" teacher and won't be reusing any of this, so quality can be low and I want to keep the cost down.  We haven't started using the room yet, and I'm sure there will be updates, but I'm ready for the first day of school, which I believe will be August 20th!


Anonymous said…
AWESOME school room!!!!
jessicaday said…
Thank you Stephanie! Can you tell I'm excited? :-)