
I haven't posted on here in a while because, honestly, I haven't been saving.  On vacation, I pre-packed as much as I could (from my stockpile), sought out savings while shopping on vacation, ate appetizers and water only at restaurants, but when it comes down to it, you usually overspend on vacations.

We have reached a point in our lives where money isn't tight.  Clipping coupons is a hobby and searching for deals is fun.  Yes, I firmly believe in spending the Lord's money wisely, but we're not living paycheck to paycheck.  Clipping coupons and saving money has opened my eyes to a lot of things I used to blow my money on, and we've saved quite a good amount, but honestly, most of it is being spent on the fun stuff.

So, is it worth it to clip coupons and save money to be able to have a bountiful stockpile I can donate often from?  Absolutely.  Is it worth it to look for discounts everywhere I go so we have money to take family vacations?  Definitely.  Do I firmly believe Michael deserves a new boat to foster his fishing hobby - the only place he can decompress from a stressful job as the heart attack years are around the corner.  YEP!
