
I am a planner, but ultimately I want to live the Lord's plan for my life.  Just as we're getting ready to do the kitchen (the date is set and the loan is being processed), Michael and I are feeling led to move instead.  (Just a few towns over.)  We love our house, the layout, the size, and I was just about to update the finishes.  Wellllllll, across the street, where there's currently a peach orchard and sweet roadside market, there will soon be a new townhouse community.  With that means there will soon be construction traffic, then new traffic from all the families moving in (estimated 200), and after that, I'm afraid of crime.  I know that's kind of a leap, but most townhouse communities in my town have a fairly high crime rate (according to my friends who are police officers).  I'm not happy with the idea of all of that.  Not to mention Kara's middle school and high school are kind of yucky.  Michael and I don't plan to stay in Maryland long (probably about 10 years), so I was fine to stay there 10 years and renovate for now, but Michael is thinking that may not be what the Lord has in store for us.

So, we're thinking now of moving to another house in a better town instead.  One with great schools and safer neighborhoods.  Now, if THAT kitchen needs renovating - you better believe we're not waiting 5 years to do it!  lol!  (We're planning to move somewhere close to the highway that leads right to Michael's work so his commute won't be much longer than it is now.)

Oh boy.  If we're going to move soon, we have some minor renovating to do - starting with that carpet upstairs with the GIANT black paint stain on it.  Lol!


Kattrina said…
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