What I've been up to

In between a trip to the zoo, play dates with friends, pool days, a few giant coupon shopping days, and the normal chores, errands, etc, I've been working on this:

This is actually the before picture.  I am working on turning it from a pretty spare bedroom into a home school room.  With the way my brain works and my love of planning, pretty much the second we decided to home school, I was planning on setting up a home school room.  My friend suggested setting up the basement, but since school is mostly during the cold months and the basement is COLD, I picked a room upstairs instead.  Upstairs is taken by our room, Kara's room, Michael's office, and the spare bedroom - so the spare bedroom was chosen to be disassembled and rebuilt!

Step #1:  Take bedspread, sheets, etc off bed and set up basement bedroom with this look.
Step #2:  Borrow pickup truck to bring bed with frame to my mom's basement spare room, with bedspread set from my basement bedroom.
Step #3:  Bring dressers and shelves downstairs.  Rearrange my books, my shelves, bring my dresser downstairs
Step #4:  Clear out TONS of toys that have gathered in that room and Kara's room.
Step #5:  Buy table to be my teacher desk, move Kara's desk in there.  Start buying supplies.
This is where I am now.  Does anyone really care?  I don't know, but it's a nice journal for me to look back on one day.  :-)
Things left to do:
  * buy/set up books, paper, pencils, supplies, etc.
  * paint chalkboard on wall
  * start getting some lesson plans together!  :-)
Man, this whole thing has been a planner's dream.  I can't wait to start planning our days/weeks together.  I already have a few ideas for science projects. I already am thinking about making sure to include fire drills.  She's already read her first book with follow up questions for the summer, and I'm extremely impressed with her reading level and comprehension level.  Writing is not going to be super fun, however!  And I'm seriously lacking in ideas for art, music, etc.  Ah, we all have our own strengths and weaknesses, don't we?


Anonymous said…
Okay it's not and educational answer, but I would look on pinterest for art ideas!
jessicaday said…
That's a great idea! Thanks, Stephanie. :-)
Kattrina said…
Do you know Pioneer Women? She has a great homeschool blog that might give you some ideas. Her blog is www.thepioneerwoman.com and then click on Homeschooling. Maybe you'll find it useful.
jessicaday said…
I just started watching her show on food network. Thanks for the tip, Kattrina!