
While working on our home school room, I had a little accident.  I'm sure you saw this picture on facebook:

Yep, while painting a glorious chalkboard on the wall (which is massive and beautiful, by the way), I spilled the B-L-A-C-K paint.  (Ugh, it took HOURS to clean up, and my sweet mom was here working with me.  She's just the best!)  Unfortunately, this is the after picture - as in, what the room looks like now after hours of work.

Here's what happened:  I had the open paint on top of the new teacher's desk I bought myself.  As I slowly slid the desk aside so it was out of the way, one of the legs gave way and the table slid sideways.  I started screaming, "the paint, the paint!" and in slow motion, the paint (with the top off), slid down the table and spilled EVERYWHERE.  The table was brand new and I had tons of school supplies on top, which were all ruined.  I'm SO GLAD the school books weren't on there - those were so expensive!  Fortunately, I just threw away a bunch of paper, pencils, stickers, etc.

So, my mom got to work cleaning the things I wanted to save (souvenirs from my cruise and my tools, which were all now covered with black paint) and I got to work on the carpet.  My goal was to leave the huge black spot and cover it with a rug later, and I got to work on the little spots all over the carpet.  They came all most all the way out too.  (My secret for cleaning carpet is laundry detergent.)  Then while I finally painted the wall with less than half of the quite expensive chalkboard paint, my mom cleaned the table in my bathtub.  That woman is a cleaning machine!

Two and a half hours later, my rug looks like this, the table is clean, the chalkboard wall looks great, and my bathroom is clean.

*sigh*  Well THAT'S not how I thought my day was going to go!

By the way, my sweet, sweet hubby wasn't mad at me.  He said, "I guess we're going to get new carpeting sooner than we thought!" and he laughed when he saw the GIANT stain.  Here's another picture:

He's way too nice to me!  I probably would have been ticked for a good 30 minutes if I came home to that!
