
Maybe it's my age, or maybe my eyes are finally open to things like this, but everywhere I look people who are dear to me are suffering.  I know this world is not heaven, I know God is in control, but Satan is prowling around looking to devour us.  But, ALL of my closest friends are going through extremely tough times.  None of these women read this blog and no one who knows them read this blog, but without naming names:
  * I have a friend who was fostering to adopt and after a year with her twin boys, and after things were almost finished and she was planning their lives, she's going to lose them.
  * I have a friend who's little 3 year old has problems with anger and hurts herself - to the point of blood and dents in the wall.
  * I have a friend who's husband had an affair and left her, came back and they're picking up the pieces.
  * I have a friend with significant anxiety issues - after a year of therapy and medication, when they thought she'd be well and able to be off medication, she is still doing so poorly she needed her medication to be increased.
  * I have a friend who's husband has such severe ptsd that he's suicidal and an alcoholic and she had to move herself and the kids out because she couldn't take it anymore.

These are just my dear, close, best friends.  Please pray for them - I love them, I love their kids.  I complain about a cold, I feel like I'm suffering when something superficial and stupid doesn't come my way.  I am fine.

For those of you out there suffering like my dear friends are, here is a good verse:

"The Lord your God is with you.
      He is mighty enough to save you.
   He will take great delight in you.
      The quietness of his love will calm you down.
      He will sing with joy because of you."  Zephaniah 3:17

Please join me and pray for them.


Anonymous said…
Wow. We don't realize how blessed we are until we hear someone else's problems. That's all just terrible. Praying for your friends.
Elisabeth said…
I am going through some struggles of my own and have been pretty down about it lately. I have to say my problems are not as bad as anything you mentioned but it was so uplifting to read that Bible scripture.
jessicaday said…
Elisabeth, I'll add you to my list of people I love who are going through tough times and pray for you.
Vicky said…
Maybe it's your age, but I think it is more spiritual maturity! That is an ohhh soooo good thing! When we spend our time focusing on others rather than ourselves, we find out more and more how blessed we are! Praying that the LORD shows His presence and comfort to your friends! They are blessed to have a friend like you.....a loving, caring friend!