Hello, out there

I went to JCPenny tonight to check into the new pricing and posted about it on my other blog:
My Coupon Blog

Now, someone out there please post on your blogs.  I check them every day and none of you have posted in at least a week and someone out there hasn't posted in months.  Come on people.  ;-)


Elisabeth said…
I posted on mine today!
Anonymous said…
I agree!!!! LOL I go to you, Liz and Vicky regularly and they have been behind!! :)
Vicky said…
I know, I know!!! And, my "behind" is getting bigger and bigger, too! :P
Kattrina said…
I know - I'm seriously behind. I have been so tired lately and school and work are kicking my booty, I've hardly even thought of posting. I will try my best to get something up soon! I still read your blog all the time though! Also, would love to catch up sometime and thank you for the wonderful things you gave me for Guatemala. They made everyone so happy!!!