In a Funk

So, ever since Kara went to kindergarten, I'm feeling a little lost.  I'm type A and need a plan, a list, a purpose, a goal.  My goal was finishing high school, then picking a college, then getting a degree, then getting married, then getting the job I got the degree for, then trying to have a baby, then getting through the day with a baby!  With Kara gone all day and thriving (which I am SO happy about), and Michael happily working crazy hours (which I'm happy about too), I am unsure what I'm supposed to be doing.  Please don't get me wrong, this is a wonderful problem to have, but I'm a bit aimless, which is not cool for someone like me.

So, I haven't been cooking or baking lately, I haven't been into Christmas decorations or cards this year, and I haven't read a whole lot lately.  I realize I'm whining, and recognize I'm in a funk, but that's why I'm not myself these days.  The Lord and I will be working on it.  ;-)


Elisabeth said…
I struggled with this when Ryan got close to school age, hence! So it is easy for me to suggest that you read Prov 31. Our job does not end once the kids are in school. There is so much.more for us to do! Now if only I had taken my own advice! :) maybe I will work on that...
jessicaday said…
Thank you, Elisabeth, for understanding. It means a lot to hear another mom feeling the same way. I do hear what you're saying - the four hours a day Kara is home are crazy for me. Homework, family time, dinner time, bath time, etc. But I'm not sure what to do from 8am to 3pm and from 7pm until bed. Don't get me wrong, volunteering, running the house, and helping people I love give me purpose for sure - I just feel like I need an even bigger goal.
Elisabeth said…
You could always get a part time job. I would love to work at a kids clothes store. Or start your own business.
Anonymous said…
More volunteering? Be patient. I've never actually had that feeling because when one started school, I still had one, then two, then when the last one started school, I thought I would feel lost, but I was busy volunteering for things at their schools, etc. And then there are the activities....girl scouts, cub scouts, church activities, sports, after school stuff, etc.... I don't know what your school has available to volunteer for, but one thing I did that when I started I really didn't think I'd like and it was reading to the kids!!!! It started when Alex's
2nd grade teachers asked for four mom's to commit once a week (so we only had to do it once a month) to come in and read for 1/2 an hour. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. I used to take Dylan in the stroller to read to Kayla's classes and then I started reading in the school library on library day once a month. Then I would be there for 4 hours or so and read to every class that came in! Maybe you should check into opportunities like that????
Kattrina said…
I think we all feel lost at times Jessica. Especially planners like us! Even though I have little to no free time, once I was comfortable in my job I kept feeling like "what was next" because I had had my entire life planned out up until I got a job. There was no attainable goal left and it was hard to just be content (hence nursing school). I think it's totally normal to take a look at our lives every once and a while and find new goals and new visions for the future. I'm sure something will come along that will snag your interest. And it's ok to have a few hours for yourself too! You don't have to be cooking, cleaning, taking care of kids and hubbies, etc. to be worthy! Tell ya what - I'll have a few kids and drop them off at your house! :-)