What a weekend!

What a good, event filled weekend!

Saturday I started the day with cartoons and clipping coupons, as usual.  Then I started getting Kara and I ready for the big company event that night.  I was attending, she was going to Lara's for her first sleepover (other than with a grandma).  We were doing our hair and packing bags and picking out clothes.  It was fun, and suddenly it was time to drop her off.  After that I was getting dressed and doing my makeup and picking out jewelry.  I don't have any pictures, but I did take pictures of the tables I decorated.  :-)

I was really happy with how they turned out.  To keep it entirely denomonation/religion free, I decided on a white and silver scheme and with all the candles lit it was really beautiful - lots of sparkle.  Anyway, the night was the end of year party for Michael's company.  It's so awesome to hear all the neat things they're doing in their company and their success can only be attributed to the Lord because it's truly extraordinary.
Kara had a blast at her sleepover!  She and her friend Emily (Lara's oldest daughter) played so well together Lara said it was more like Kara babysat Emily than Lara babysat Kara!  :-)  Although the girls slept well all night, they woke up pretty early, ready to play.  Here's a picture of Kara in the car on the way home.
She was so tired she slept sitting up!  Lol!
Sunday was church, coupon shopping at Bloom (they were having super doubles that day - meaning they doubled all coupons up to TWO dollars! - but I was pretty disappointed because their prices are so high!), then I went to pick up Kara.  Since Lara lives an hour away, it was a long trip, but so worth it to have Kara with someone I love and trust and who loves Kara.  Using my coupons, I got a McDonalds lunch for myself for the car for $2 plus tax.  On the way home, Kara and I stopped at Safeway where I saved A TON with coupons.  I broke it all out below.

After we got home, I had to unpack the car and Kara's bags.  Then I did FIVE loads of laundry, vacuumed, cleaned out the gerbil's cage, ran/emptied the dishwasher, and generally tidied the house - because I can't stand it to be disorganized.  I collapsed at 5:30 and took a short nap.  At 6 I woke up to shower and get ready for cards at 7!  Bridge was awesome and Maureen and I kicked the boy's butts.  :-)  I wish I could say it's because I'm brilliant, but it's mostly because we got great cards.  :-)

Unfortunately, I woke up sick Monday morning and have been in bed all day, but the weekend was awesome.  :-)

Okay, here's some of the highlights at Bloom:
a bunch of steaks less than half price
onions at .89 a pound
Kara's milk (usually 2.99) was a closeout price of 2.49, and I had a $1 off coupon - SWEET!
Along with a bunch of other things, I got $70.84 worth of stuff for $42.32.  So, I saved 40%.  Pretty good!

Here's my Safeway trip:
Cereal was on an AMAZING sale, something I haven't seen for a while, so I stocked up since I had coupons too.
11 boxes of cereal for 14.69, which works out to $1.33 a box.  Since they're usually 3.49, I'd say that's pretty good
They also had a great sale on eggs - 2 18pks were 3.98, which is 1.99 each.
Grands were .69 each, so I got 4.  (Normally they're 2.29!)
BBQ sauce, normally 2.69, I got for .49 each!
I got 10% off at the end for a month-long promotional they're having.
So, I got $60.74 worth of stuff for $19.45, which is 68% savings!!  Wow!!!

I'm really happy with that considering I just saved A TON at Target the other day.  (Almost $200 worth of stuff I got for $80 AND I left the store with an $8 coupon and a $5 coupon for next time.)

All of that AND I'm just about done with my Christmas shopping.  Yep, I'm feeling pretty good right about now (despite my upset tummy, aches and pains, headache, and ear ache).  :-)


Elisabeth said…
I don't think any stores around here ever have deals that good! I could handle cereal for $1.33 a box. I would probably buy 14 boxes, too!
jessicaday said…
Oh but they do, Elisabeth! I had to read the fine print in the weekly ad, which brought the price down to 1.79, and I used coupons for the rest. Kroger let's you get cereal down to $1 a box! Oh, how I wish we had Kroger.....