Great Christmas(es)

Christmas was pretty fabulous this year.  It takes a lot of work to have such a great time, so I want to thank everyone out there who worked hard to make such a good time possible - those that worked extra hours for extra money, those who shopped, those who baked, those who traveled, and those who spent a lot of time thinking of us while you shopped.  What a wonderful way to celebrate the world's greatest gift - Jesus - by giving gifts to each other.

Christmas with my family here at home went really well.  Our tradition is:  we get to meet at my house since I'm the one with the little one.  We sit in the formal living room and sip our coffee while Kara opens her stocking.  12 packs of gum and 6 lip glosses later, we head to the dining room for breakfast, which we eat on my mom's new Christmas dishes.  (We skipped this part this year because breakfast was bagels and we could eat those in the family room.)  Once in the family room, we open all the presents - one at a time, savoring each one.  (With only one kid to keep still, it goes pretty smoothly.)  2 hours or so later, we were putting all of Kara's toys together and playing with them.  What a great day!

Christmas with the Day family in NC was great too.  Traveling was surprisingly wonderful - I give God the glory because only He could open up DC traffic on Christmas weekend like that.  The visit was absolutely wonderful, as usual.  I love my nieces and nephews so much - it was great watching them play and hearing the funny things they said and playing with the cute babies.  There are 7 cousins now - ages 10, 7, 5, 5, 18 months, 8 months, 2 months.  They all play so well together - it was so much fun to watch.  They sure know how to trash a house, though!  Poor Grandma will be cleaning her house for days!  Oh, and Kara got a brand new bike for Christmas!  It was so awesome!!!  I can't wait to watch her ride it and learn to ride a 2 wheeler on it.  Thank you again for that generous present, Elisabeth and Jessica.  :-)

Here are the pictures we got from JCPennys - what a great idea that was, Elisabeth and Jessica.

I hope you all had a great Christmas, we had TWO great Christmases!


Vicky said…
What beautiful children! :D