New Year's Resolution and a Comeback

This is why I love blogs.  Everyone's reassuring comments helped a lot.  Seriously, thank you very much.  Basically, I am coming to understand that this is just what happens when you're my age.  Life from 15 to 25 is spent working hard getting degrees and getting jobs and getting married and getting pregnant.  But now, I'm trying to realize that I have all of that - I have everything.  My life is settled.  This is what I wanted.  :-)  So, I'm working on figuring out how to live, instead of reaching goals.  It's pretty awesome when you think about it, just scary too.

I do have plenty to do to pass the time - volunteering stuff, work/type stuff, friends who are going through some serious stuff, running a house, and a hobby.  I'm going to be picking up my old hobbies - cooking and baking and reading and exercising (only as a hobby - I could care less about my weight).  It's, like, my new year's resolution.  I'm working on a come back.  ;-)


Elisabeth said…
Yay! When I am going thru this in 5 years I will know just who to talk to! Love ya!
jessicaday said…
I hope I'm the one you turn to - I love you too Elisabeth! :-)