Dutch Wonderland

Today I drove two hours to Lancaster, PA to Dutch Wonderland, an amusement park just for little kids. It is absolutely beautiful and safe - we go every summer. Kara had a great day, and we even got to bring our friends Heather and her little Aurora. Kara is now 43 inches and in a whole new category of rides, so it was a great day! Her favorite part was the water park, but of course I couldn't bring my camera for that part. It was a blisteringly hot day, so the water park was very refreshing - we were totally soaked! It was such a good day that we decided to go back this year and stay overnight for a two-day trip!! If Hannah ever makes it out to our place for the week (which I'm still hoping for!!), maybe I'll take her.


Elisabeth said…
I know Hannah would love going to that park. I was thinking about how you wanted her to come up just this week. I'd still like it to happen. I just don't know when and how we are going to make it happen! I'll have to talk to BRad about when he wants to make that trip.
jessicaday said…
I could always bring her home with Kara after VBS at your mom's house......
Vicky said…
VBS is 5 weeks away! YAY!
Elisabeth said…
oh yes, that might be a good plan! I told Brad earlier to start thinking about when would be a good time to meet you and if he only had to do it once, that would be good for him! I'll have to check the exact dates because Hannah's birthday will be close behind, dr appts and school....
jessicaday said…
Okay, the week before works too. Kara's birthday party here will be July 31st, so Hannah could come to that while she's here.