Michael's Birthday

Yesterday was Michael's 29th birthday. He had to work all day (boo!), but when he got home we went out to dinner. Our first date was Ruby Tuesdays, so that is our 'special occasion' restaurant. We spent way too much money on good food, but it was worth it for his birthday. Then he opened his present - new headphones he's been really wanting - and then had some cake. Well, he doesn't like cake, it's TURTLE PIE! Fortunately for him, I don't like it, so he gets the WHOLE thing to himself. Now THAT'S a good birthday present. :-) At the end of the day I asked him if he had a good birthday and he shrugged and said, "It was just like any other day". Since my birthday is in a few weeks, we agreed next month on our cruise to have a special drink and toast each other's birthdays. He smiled really big and said that was a good idea. *sigh* I just love that man.
