
Yesterday I spent most of the day on the computer planning for our San Francisco trip, so Kara was hanging out in pjs watching cartoons happily. But by the end of the day, she had so much energy she didn't know what to do with it, but I was tired! Let me just say, it didn't end well..........we were both annoyed with each other.

So today we went to the mall - Michael needed new dress shirts for work - and we played on the escalators, the playground area, and when we felt like it, we moseyed on over to the food court for something greasy and delicious. We had the best day ever! Getting out of the house and letting her run and jump and climb while I watched was the cure! We like each other again, although I don't know why she has so much energy and why she has to talk to much and why three year olds don't need longer naps.

Is it time for Kara to go to school yet?


Vicky said…
LOL! This post made me smile! And here is the answer to your question!
Yes, it is time for pre-school! However, when that happens you will be saying, "Why and how did Kara grow up so fast?" and "I miss my little girl being around my feet with the non-stop talking and questions all day!"

Trust me on this one! All moms have been there, done that! Just thoroughly ENJOY every aggravating, fun, annoying, cute, sweet, innocent step of the way! And now that I have brought myself to tears, I'm done "preaching!" :)

Love you!
Jessica said…
She will hopefully get so worn out at preschool / school that she comes home and just wants love and will sit next to you and hug on you and have special time with you! That never happens for my boy but I have to assume girls are different! Love you both and my bro!
Elisabeth said…
from my preschool experience, they get worn out but still go nonstop!! And Hannah had naptime at school so I didn't feel right making her take another nap at home! And the talking nonstop only gets worse the older they get and the more they have to talk about! That's a girl for ya. Just remember to love every new stage they reach and change with her. Hard to do but so worth it! Love you all. I'm glad we all are blogging now, I feel like I get to talk to you all everyday!
jessicaday said…
I agree with Liz, I love the blogs. :-)
I guess that's what I get - I know Michael gives me that smirk often - I'm such a talker and annoy Michael with it all the time - it's only fair I get a little girl that drives me crazy talking too! All the conversations we have (a lot of them are about God) are so great. It's the gibberish and fake language and make up songs that I'm tired of. Can't we ever just listen to music in the car???? Can't she let me finish a sentence to my mom???
I don't really want another baby anymore, I just miss when she was a baby.