Kara's first day at the gym
I wanted to see if Kara wanted to come with me to the gym to see if she liked the day care room there. That way I wouldn't have to leave her with Michael or my mom every time I wanted to go. And maybe we could even go in the mornings, during the day while Michael is at work. Wouldn't that be convenient?
So, my plan was to make it her idea. Tonight I asked if she wanted to come with me, but if she didn't want to she could stay home with Michael. She insisted she wanted to come, so I let her. I dropped her off with a few comfort items in a new room with new people and new kids. I walked away a little nervous, but glad it's a small gym and I would only be two rooms away.
Well, AN HOUR later I went to get her and she was playing, smiling, and laughing. She barely gave me a second look! (At church she always has one eye on the door and when she sees me she lights up and comes running.) She asked me if we could go again tomorrow and stay longer next time. I think we should. :-) (Did I mention it's only $2 for an hour for baby sitting?)
So, my plan was to make it her idea. Tonight I asked if she wanted to come with me, but if she didn't want to she could stay home with Michael. She insisted she wanted to come, so I let her. I dropped her off with a few comfort items in a new room with new people and new kids. I walked away a little nervous, but glad it's a small gym and I would only be two rooms away.
Well, AN HOUR later I went to get her and she was playing, smiling, and laughing. She barely gave me a second look! (At church she always has one eye on the door and when she sees me she lights up and comes running.) She asked me if we could go again tomorrow and stay longer next time. I think we should. :-) (Did I mention it's only $2 for an hour for baby sitting?)